Monday, April 23, 2007

Buckingham Nicks - 1973


The song 'Frozen Love' always takes me back to a much more innocent time in my life... With all the orchestral colorizations, it is one of my all time favorites. I can still remember hearing it on the airwaves in the last days of Underground FM Radio, which ended for me in 1974...

It still baffles me that this is not available to the general public.
The first ten tracks are excellent and make up the original release, which in itself make this an essential collection.

While eleven other tracks are included, making this the 'Deluxe Edition' I suppose; they are substandard and are only worthwhile to that eccentric fan who must have everything.
(I am one)

Here's the list:

01. Crying In The Night
02. Stephanie
03. Without A Leg To Stand On
04. Crystal
05. Long Distance Winner
06. Don't Let Me Down Again
07. Django
08. Races Are Run
09. Lola (My Love)
10. Frozen Love

11. Bwana
12. Trouble
13. Mary Lee Jones
14. I'll Tell You Now
15. It Was I
16. Shadow Of The West
17. That's How We Do It In LA
18. Johnny Stew
19. Love From Here, Love From There
20. Magnet & Steel
21. Just The Waiting


woody said...

No link ?!?!

mamedia said...

Hello, thanks for posting this, please let me know how to find the link. Thank you! Mike

Helen said...

I love this album cover. Stevie Nicks was (and is) really beautiful and her voice..........ahhhhhh.
Rock on Bro!

enigma4ever said...

oh Stevie Nicks ( with Buckingham....) I am in heaven I am going to sit and hang here for a little while....

( Makes me miss a much simpler time
...sandlewood incense...
melted vanilla candles..
on my fire-escape....4 dollar wine
and clovecigarettes....
clogs and my favorite pair of LEE jeans...

...sigh....thank you...)